Monday, March 1, 2010

Crazies in the big city

It would appear that the bigger the city, the larger the number of insane people wander the streets. I moved from an outer regional location to a significantly larger city and I noticed more people who seemed out of touch and more unbalanced. But why is that? Why is there such a difference merely from the size and density of population in a city?

There is less human interaction when there is a denser population. People are doing their own thing, minding their own business, it could be intimidating meeting new people, and since the population is so large there's a lack of a "pack". As "pack" animals we lose this sense of stability because our identity comes from experiences, and most of our experiences are with other people and with other people we grow as a person. There seems to be a lot more isolation in larger communities in comparison to a small town where you sneeze and everyone knows it.

Homeless people suffer so much mentally. They have this complete lack of security and safety, of ownership/belongings, of friendly human interaction, in fact they're mostly ignored. People turn their heads as they walk by a begging person. This falls in with isolation but there's more to put them at risk of insanity. Humans need stability in their life, if they don't have it or they go out of their way to have a complete deficiency of it, it can turn anybody crazy. But why is homelessness a problem in larger cities in Australia? My hypothesis is that real estate and the cost of living is higher, people's presentation (clothing, appearance) is more valued and there seems to be this general apathy towards the homeless. The reason I brought up people's presentation is that it may be used to consider or disregard a prospective employee.

Isolation is a very big factor, I believe, to why there's a greater number of mentally ill people in the cities; although it's quite possible the larger the number the more probability of crazy people.
That's my short blog on my opinion of insanity in the big city X

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